Applies only if:
- Vehicle age under 26 years
- Gross vehicle weight up to max. 3.5 t
- Vehicle located in Germany
Would you like a vehicle valuation of your entire fleet? Send us a free enquiry here!
We will be happy to make you an individual offer that is specially tailored to your needs.
If, after the order has been placed, it turns out that the vehicle to be checked belongs to another vehicle or price category, this will result in a rebooking or cancellation, which may lead to longer processing times and fees for you. Therefore, make sure that you select the right vehicle and price category before placing an order!
- Inspection of the car brakes
- Measurement of emission data
- Readout of vehicle data
- Dismantling parts of the vehicle in order to calculate the damage assessment more accurately
- Inspection of LPG installations or electronic powertrains
- Consent and support of the seller
- Registration of the vehicle and fitness to drive
- Possibility of a test drive
- Accessibility and cleanliness of the vehicle
- Ideal lightning conditions
- Availability of a lifting platform or a pit at the place of inspection or in a nearby garage
- Availability of all vehicle documents at the time of the inspection
Our standardised check protocol for assessing the condition of used cars is available in various languages. Please note that information entered manually by the expert via text fields (e.g. the description of defects or damage) is not automatically translated. However, the majority of the checklist is automatically translated into the language of your choice.