neutrale, zertifizierte Sachverständige
deutschlandweit zum Standardpreis
07531 1229388


Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die Antworten auf die häufigsten Fragen.

Im ersten Teil finden Sie den Demo- Protokolle in allen zur Verfügung stehenden Sprachen.
Im 2. Teil sind die FAQ in deutscher Sprache und
im 3. Teil finden Sie diese in englisch.

On this page you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

In the first part you will find the demo protocols in all available languages.
In the 2nd part you will find the FAQ in German and
in the 3rd part you will find them in English.

Tips Bild

At this time, not all of my questions have been answered. What can I do? Bild

You have already read through the FAQ, but your questions are not all answered?

Then send us a request or an  E-Mail.

How and when can I withdraw an order? Bild

You can make a withdrawal in the customer account under "Orders". However, you can only withdraw if the appraisal of your vehicle has not yet been carried out, that is, if the motor vehicle expert has not yet been on site and the service has therefore not yet been provided.  If the expert has already taken the journey on himself, then in addition to the fee due according to AGB in the amount of 30 €  also the cost of an empty trip to be borne by you.

After the withdrawal has been made, you will receive a withdraw confirmation by e-mail (only then is the withdrawal valid) as well as a credit note for your paid service amount minus the fee. We will transfer this credit back to you via your chosen payment method.

I am not satisfied with a motor vehicle appraisal or a protocol part. What can I do? Bild

Please contact us by filling out our contact form. We will check each case carefully and are very interested in customer information in case of any problems.

Note: A notice of defects is only possible within 20 days after order completion.

What are the consequences of withdrawal? Bild

If you withdraw this contract, we shall reimburse you for all payments we have received from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs resulting from the fact that you have chosen a type of delivery other than the most favorable standard delivery offered by us), without delay and within fourteen days from the day on which we received the notification of your withdrawal of this contract. For this repayment, we will use the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless explicitly agreed otherwise with you; in no case will you be charged for this repayment. If you have requested our services to begin during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us a reasonable amount corresponding to the proportion of the services already provided up to the point in time at which you notify us of the exercise of the right of withdrawal with regard to this contract compared to the total scope of the services provided for in the contract. The compensation that you should bear shall be staggered as follows in the event of withdrawal:

• has not yet assigned an expert: Customer gets 100% back, you pay 0,00 €.

• has assigned an expert to you and the expert has not yet been to the vehicle, you pay a handling fee of 30,00 €.

• has assigned an expert to you and the expert was at the location of the test object without performing the appraisal: You pay a handling fee of 30.00 € and a travel fee for the travel of the expert of 40.00 €, thus a total amount of to 70.00 €.

• has assigned an expert to you, the expert was at the location of the test object and the appraisal was carried out, but the expert has not yet written a report: You pay 80% of the total price of the respective assigned inspection service.

• In the event of a withdrawal of the order for the product "Used car snapshot", the flat withdrawal fee is 30.00 € gross.


Our terms and conditions as well as the withdrawal policy can also be found on our website.

What are the effects of restricted conditions on the appraisal? Bild

Due to obstructive local and factual circumstances, the ability to issue a motor vehicle appraisal can be significantly limited, as certain components may not be appraised. If the appraisal of a component is impossible due to a certain situation, which the motor vehicle expert is not responsible for, then no price reduction is made thereupon.

Poor access to the vehicle:
If the vehicle is parked up, no test drive can be carried out. Thus, damage and defects can be assessed only limited.

Not given driveability of the vehicle:
In this case, no test run of the drive unit, no test drive and no optimal underbody inspection is possible, since a lifting platform can not be reached. The mounted set of tires must comply with the weather conditions (StVO), so that a test drive can be carried out.

Missing registration of the vehicle:
This leads to a restricted test drive on the premises (only if this is possible on site).

Missing or occupied lifting platform:
If the lifting platform can not be used on site, this also leads to reductions in the underbody survey. The use of a lifting platform is weight-dependent and therefore not always possible for the truck and motorhome appraisals.

Poor lighting conditions:
These affect the detection of damage and defects.

Wet or unclean surface:
These also make it difficult to detect damage and defects.

Incomplete or missing vehicle documents:
This can lead to delays in the completion of the appraisal, as the papers are mandatory for an appraisal.

What fees are charged and when? Bild

During the processing of the order, various circumstances may arise which result in a withdrawal or termination of the order:

1. During the order, an incorrect vehicle or price category was specified
Should it turn out after the order that the vehicle to be tested is to be assigned to a different vehicle or price category than was specified during the order, this is associated with a rebooking or withdrawal of the order. In case of rebooking, the difference from the price of the correct service shall be paid, provided that the price of the correct service is higher than the price of the originally ordered service. If the price of the correct service is lower than the price of the originally ordered service, you will be refunded the difference. In the event of withdrawal before the appraisal is performed, you will be refunded the amount of the service less a withdrawal fee and, if applicable, a flat-rate travel fee. 

2. Your order could not be assigned
Unfortunately, we were unable to assign your order to any of our local automotive experts. Our automotive experts were not able to realize your order for undefined reasons (these include, for example, illness, schedule commitments, vacation, training and other events). From our point of view, therefore, no order was placed. Accordingly, you will not be charged and you will be refunded the full amount of the service.

3. The next possible appraisal date would be too late for you
Unfortunately, we could not realize the appraisal of the ordered vehicle in a reasonable time for you. From our point of view, therefore, no order has come about. Accordingly, there are no fees for you and you will be refunded the full amount of the service.

4. Insufficient appraisal conditions
In the context of the appointment for the appraisal, our automotive expert inquired about the existing conditions. He informed you about the possible reduction in quality in the condition assessment, which could result from restrictions in the visual or functional inspection. As a result, you decided to withdraw the order. In this case, you will be refunded the service amount less a withdrawal fee in the amount of 30.00 €

5. The motor vehicle expert has already set off for the appraisal, but could not carry it out
The appraiser was only informed on site that, for example, the vehicle is at another location, is in the workshop, or the seller was not present, so that he could not carry out the appraisal on the agreed date. A new appointment was made - on which the inspector will leave again for the inspection. In this case we will charge a flat rate of 40,00 € for the empty journey. There are no withdrawal fees or refunds.

6. your vehicle was sold before the motor vehicle expert has left for the appraisal
Unfortunately, the vehicle to be appraised was sold in the meantime. Our motor vehicle expert was informed in time about it, so that he has not left to the place of the appraisal. Thus, no empty run has arisen and you will receive the amount of performance less a withdrawal fee in the amount of 30.00 € refunded.

7. Your vehicle was sold after the motor vehicle expert has left for the appraisal
Unfortunately, the vehicle to be appraised was sold in the meantime. Unfortunately, our motor vehicle expert was informed only after arrival at the place of the appraisal about it. In this case, you will receive the service amount less a withdrawal fee in the amount of 30.00 € and a travel allowance in the amount of 40.00 € refunded.

8. Order withdrawal before the start of the appraisal at the vehicle location
After arrival of the motor vehicle expert at the place of the appraisal, insufficient conditions for a qualified vehicle appraisal had to be determined, which could not be identified due to false information on the part of the provider before. In the worst case, the provider refused a qualified appraisal altogether. The order had to be canceled before the appraisal began. In this case, you will receive the service amount less a withdrawal fee in the amount of 30.00 € and a travel fee in the amount of 40.00 € refunded.

9. Order withdrawal after the start or completion of the assessment
Should you withdraw the order during or after the implementation of the assessment you will not receive a refund of the service amount or credit. 

10. Withdrawal from the order for the product "Car Snapshot" 
In the event of a withdrawal of the order for the product "Car Snapshot", the fee shall be a flat rate of € 30.00 gross.

Please refer to our General Terms and Conditions for detailed information regarding the amount of the respective fees.

What should be considered before an appraisal? Bild

You have found your dream car and are interested in an appraisal? It is therefore important to clarify the following points with the vehicle owner in advance:

 1.   Does the owner of the vehicle agree and support the appraisal?
A precondition for an appraisal is that the seller or dealer also agrees to an appraisal. To avoid unnecessary fees associated with a withdrawal, it is necessary for you to obtain the consent of the vendor. 

 2.  is the vehicle freely accessible and approved from all sides?
In principle, a test drive is included in all service packages. However, this test drive requires liability insurance for the vehicle or a closed company premises approved for the test drive. In addition, the vehicle must also be registered or have a red license plate. Please note that our experts cannot provide red license plates for legal reasons. These must be provided by the seller and attached to the vehicle on the appraisal date. Prerequisites for carrying out a test drive are also a full battery and sufficient fuel. In addition, the vehicle should be freely accessible, i.e. not parked up, so that the motor vehicle expert can inspect your vehicle without restrictions. Here, too, you as the customer should briefly clarify by telephone with the seller of the vehicle whether the expert is allowed to carry out a test drive and whether the necessary requirements are met. You are responsible for creating the conditions for a test drive! An appraisal is always done, according to the on-site conditions at the time of the visit.

 3. Is a lifting platform available?
Ask your seller or dealer whether a lifting platform is available and can be used for the inspection. If no lifting platform is available, this will lead to reductions in the underbody inspection. The use of a lifting platform is weight-dependent and therefore not always possible for truck and motorhome appraisals. 

 4. Are the vehicle documents available?
Please ensure that all documents and papers are available in the vehicle at the time of the appraisal so that our expert can prepare a complete appraisal.

Please note that deviations from the ideal conditions lead to reductions in the informative value of the expert opinions.

Why is the consent of the provider necessary? Bild

We would like to point out explicitly at this point that you are obligedto obtain the verbal consent of the vehicle providerfor an appraisal by a motor vehicle expert. This is necessary for a professional vehicle appraisal.

A failure to obtain an appraisal or a termination due to refusal of the provider by:

  • several times putting off the motor vehicle expert when making an appointment, so that ultimately no conclusion of an appraisal appointment is possible
  • the expulsion of the motor vehicle expert from the premises
  • the failure to present the vehicle for various reasons
  • the prohibition of paint thickness measurements
  • the prohibition of the underbody survey by means of a lifting platform
  • the prohibition of the preparation of vehicle photos
  • the prohibition of a test drive or unwillingness to release a parked vehicle for a test drive

leads to unnecessary additional costs for you. 

A empty drive of the motor vehicle expert caused by you as the commissioning party and will be billed to you at a flat rate for travel expenses or deducted from your reimbursement amount. If you withdraw after the appraisal has begun, you will have the full costs.

A missing declaration of consent of the provider regularly leads to delays in the appointment. We therefore ask you in your own interest to speak openly and correctly with the provider of the vehicle about your request to have a vehicle appraisal performed by a motor vehicle expert.

For the communication with the provider you are responsible as a customer! By explaining to the provider openly and honestly the reason for the inspection (e.g. to secure transport damage), you make it much easier for us to carry out the appraisal. For a complete appraisal, the provider must ensure the appraisal conditions and cooperate with the appraiser. If there is a restriction of the conditions due to lack of cooperation of the provider, this will have a negative impact on the informative value of your appraisal.